Take a look at our furry friends!

Banner Brown

Banner Brown

David’s Boxer/Pit Mix

This is Banner, he is a seven-year-old rescue with single-minded focus. He tries to answer life’s biggest question: can I chew on that? Favorite hobby: dropping things for attention.

Odin Brown

Odin Brown

David’s Hound/Shepherd Mix

This is Odin, he is a nine-year-old rescue who loves to keep watch. If he sees you, he will let you know. Favorite hobby: barking!

Max Damera

Max Damera

Niki’s Maltese Poodle

Max is a thirteen-year-old maltese poodle. He loves belly rubs and spending time with his family, but his biggest passion is trying to eat any new food (and sometimes non-food) that he can possibly find.

Rocky Gopman

Rocky Gopman

Jenna’s Retired Hunter/Jumper Partner

Rocky (also known as “Rock N Roll”, “Rockstar”, or “The Rockinator”) is Jenna’s hunter/jumper partner of many years. He currently enjoys retirement by consuming every snack within sight and cuddling with his horse and human friends!

Mia Johnson

Mia Johnson

Annie’s Siamese Cat

Meet Annie’s cat, Mia! Mia is a Siamese and is 14 years old.

Nola Mills

Nola Mills

Kayla’s Furry Friend

This is Nola, Sherlock’s big sister. She also lives up to her name being full of energy and always eager for play time! She lives for the laser toy, loves anything with feathers, has an affinity for feet, and is very vocal when she wants your attention. She’s the sweetest girl but will go vicious for a Churu stick! She loves watching TV and her mom puts bird videos on for her every day before she leaves for work. She’s earned the nickname Princess Noodle but the origin is unclear.

Sherlock Mills

Sherlock Mills

Kayla’s Cuddle Buddy

This is Sherlock, Nola’s little brother. He lives up to his name and needs constant mental stimulation with feeder puzzles and toys he can hunt for. He knows how to sit on command but chooses not to listen to “down” when he’s on top of the kitchen cabinets living his best life. Not only that, but he’s also the biggest cuddle bug, clinging to you the instant you sit down, which has earned him the nickname Barnacle Boy.

Leia Taylor

Leia Taylor

Kaylin’s Protective Pup

This is Leia, Kaylin’s eldest fur-baby. Leia is a sweet, loving pup and has all the brains her brother (Obi) lacks. She loves her family and is extremely passionate about protecting the household from post officers, bunnies, and any nefarious leaves that have the audacity to blow through her yard without permission.

Obi Taylor

Obi Taylor

Kaylin’s Furry Friend

Meet Obi, Kaylin’s youngest fur-baby. Obi may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he makes up for it with his cuteness and big personality! He loves to cuddle, go for walks, and will happily stare at the tree in the backyard for hours on end when the weather is nice. In the winter, his best friend is the space heater.

Cocoa Butter Scotch Walker

Cocoa Butter Scotch Walker

Alexis’ Cuddle bug Cocoa

This is Alexis’ furry friend, Cocoa. Cocoa is seven years old. Alexis’ family adopted her in April 2020 (the day before Georgia’s COVID-19 stay-at-home order was put into place, but she lives with Alexis now. She is a big ole cuddle bug and probably thinks she’s a human.

Crab Ran Goon & Gyoza Walker

Crab Ran Goon & Gyoza Walker

Alexis’ Kittens

Alexis also has two kittens: (Crab Ran)Goon and Gyoza. They were found under a boat in Kentucky with their mom and two sisters and have been my little buddies since November 2022. Goon loves to eat non cat food and Gyoza loves to shower.

Rowan Bellamy

Rowan Bellamy

Richie’s Ball Python

He is a sweetheart who loves cuddles and to meet new people!

Gemma  Bellamy

Gemma Bellamy

Richie’s kitten

She is about 6 months old. Despite her regal disposition, she is a trickster who will climb on your back and do backflips for fun.